lamb Ribs
llaammbb RRiibbss

lamb Ribs

Original price was: 200.00EGP.Current price is: 180.00EGP.



A rack of lamb or carré d’agneau (though this may also refer to other cuts) is a cut of lamb cut perpendicularly to the spine, and including 16 ribs or chops. At retail, it is usually sold ‘single’ (sawn longitudinally and including the 8 ribs on one side only), but may also be sold as a “double rack of lamb”, with the ribs on both sides. Alternatively, two French trimmed racks may be placed together with the ribs interlinked; when configured this way it is often known as a ‘Guard of honour’ .

Rack of lamb is usually roasted, sometimes first coated with a herbed breadcrumb persillade. The tips of the bones are sometimes decorated with paper frills called manchettes.